Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Lead the parade with our banners" and Simply Sunday Challenge @ Getting Cricky with K Andrew

Hi everyone!

It's my first assignment with the Getting Cricky with K Andrew Design Team.  I'm so excited!!!!  This week's challenge is to create something with a pennant or banner. 

Psalm 20:5 says "When you win, we plan to raise the roof and lead the parade with our banners. May all your wishes come true!"  (taken from The Message a paraphrase of the Bible)

God did something amazing in our lives a couple of months ago and when it happened all I wanted to do was "raise the roof" and a banner to give God glory.  It was something only He could do!  On top of that, the timing was incredible.  Our life has been very difficult the last few months and so for God to send this ray of Sonshine was glorious!  Things are getting better day by day and I must remember that God's banner over me is love and I must continue to celebrate and raise up a banner!

Now for my project:

This was easy for me because I am currently working with a young lady from my former church who is graduating from high school.  I am known by my church friends as the "go to person" when it comes to scrapbooking, cardmaking, etc.  Anyway, my young friend asked me if I would help her make some trifold displays for her graduation party.  Of course I said "YES!"  It blesses me when I can be a blessing to someone else with the talents the Lord has given me even if I don't consider myself talented :) 

I had all these elaborate plans for her display (mini albums, layouts, embossing, you name it) until she showed up with her pictures, LOTS of pictures; three trifolds full of pictures!  Since it is "her "graduation party display I guess I should let her make all the decisions concerning her displays.  Imagine that!  LOL! I keep telling her mom that :)  She cropped and laid out her pictures and I squeezed in some embellishments.  Pennants was the way to go with a few rosettes here an there. 

trifold of her friends
Cricut cartridge used for this trifold:
Cricut Birthday Bash

paper rosettes
Cricut cartridges used: for this trifold:
Cricut Gypsy Font
Cricut Gypsy Wanderings

trifold of her family (this was the first one I made)

We have one more display to finish. That one is titled "Through the years"  I will probably make a banner across the top since there will be quite a few pictures for that one too!  This girl knows how to raise a banner to her friends and family! Congrats Mariah!

Sctotch Dot Adhesive
Printed Cardstock: g.c.d. studios Eye Candy (isn't that a fun name?)
(This paperpack was purchased at Big Lots. $5 for 24 double sided textured cardstock)
Solid cardstock is from my stash of paper that I have accumulated through the years.
Brown ribbon from Michaels
Hemp cord from Big Lots
Background paper on "Friends" display is wrapping paper I picked up at Michaels.
It matched perfectly but a pain to cover the board. did I do for my first assignment? Thanks so much for stopping by and don't forget to stop by Getting Cricky with K Andrew's blog to take part in the challenge and to see more creations by the design team. Also, "raise the roof" and your banners!!!

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Simply Sunday Retro Dad Card

Hi everyone! Over at Getting Cricky with K Andrews' blog she has two challenges going.  The one ending this week has a "Retro Dad" theme.  This is my take on it:
Supplies used:
Cricut cartridge Sentimentals (all cuts except the word "Dad")
Cricut cartridge Beyond  Bithdays for the phrase "DAD"
Printed paper from Creative Memories
DMC floss white
Silver button
Grey cardstock from my stash
DCWV Metalic paper
ATG gun

I made this card for my darling husband because he is a "First class dad"!  Sadly, my dad is not with us anymore but I am thankful for my heavenly Father who promises to always take care of His children! The best card I can send Him is to tell you how wonderful He is!!!

Hope you like my card.  Head on over to Getting Cricky with K Andrews' blog and check it out! There is tons of inspiration to be found there!

 TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Sunday, May 22, 2011

*Getting Cricky with K Andrew*: Products: Stamps

My friend, Kristal, from Getting Cricky with K Andrews will be releasing her very own *Getting Cricky with K Andrew*: Products: Stamps next month.  Check out her blog for information on her stamps (cost, shipping, retailers, release info and more.)

I personally can't wait to get my hands on them to get busy creating.  Be sure to come back in the near future to see what I create with the new stamps.

Thanks for stopping by.  I have a craft room to clean up so I can get busy designing.

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bee Happy for me!

I recently applied to be considered for the Getting Cricky with K Andrews design team and it was announced last night that I was chosen! I'm so excited! This is my first time being a part of a design team and I believe this team is a perfect fit. I love Kristal's blog because she is funny, inspirational and "a no fuss" kind of creator. She puts me at ease with her challenges and attitude. I hope I, too, can share in the same way with my blog and as part of the team!

I hope you will follow my journey as part of this team and join in on any upcoming blog events. If you are not familiar with her blog, click here and check her out.

Now for my card...I made this card and it was so super fast and easy. I cut the bee from the Cricut Sentimental cartridge. The printed paper is from a DCWV stack. The black ribbon is by Offray from Joann's. The sentiment is from a stamp I've had for many, many years. I used a white gel pen to color the small bee's wings and a gold metallic pen on the big bee's eyes and antenna. Easy, peasy! Hope you liked my quick card and exciting news.

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Link Up Love Party hosted by Getting Cricky with K Andrews

lHi everyone! K Andrews at Getting Cricky is hosting her monthly Link Up the Love Party running from today (5/17) thru next Tuesday, (5/24).  The purpose of the party is to help us bloggers find new inpiration, share encouragement, show off some of our own creations and make new friends in the blogosphere..  Isn't blogging fun!  It's become a hobby to show off my hobby!

To participate in the party, click here to get the rules.  Kristal is giving away to TWO participants a full year subscription to Creating Keepsakes magazine. Winners will be announced on her blog on May 25th!  Best wishes if you decide to party with us!

One of the party games is to post one of my favorite blog post. Hmmm....let me think....I got it!  Recently, I made a basket of Cake Pops for the teachers at my son's school (Bethel Christian Academy).  The reason this is one of my favorites is because I came up with it all by myself.  Most of my inspiration comes from you, my blog friends. This one just evolved on its own and I am very proud of it.  I won Top 3 on the "My Craft Spot" blog challenge.
Click here to go to my post on this project.

I hope you choose to party with us!  Don't stress, just have fun with it! Here are the links to those who are partying so far:

This collection has been deleted by its author
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TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Washington D.C. Here we come! (not a craft post, just a proud moment)

Hi, happy Sunday. I had planned to post this on Friday but was having issues with blogger. Then, I was away from Internet access and now this is my first chance. Hope it works. I downloaded an app for my IPAD that allows me to post to blogger. Wish me luck here goes!


Hi everyone! Just had to take a moment and brag about my son, Gabe. Today we are driving to Washington D.C. for the ACSi (Association of Christian Schools International) National Spelling Bee! Gabe took 3rd place in the regional bee and now he and 41 other spellers from around the United States will compete on Saturday morning. Isn't that exciting!? This young man has been competing every year since first grade. Every year he has made it to the district level and has been to regionals one other time. How thankful we are to God that on his last year, he goes all the way! God has gifted Gabe in incredible ways. I wonder what is next! We are proud of his accomplishment, and if he wins, praise God! If he doesn't, praise God anyway because he got to go.

Thanks for letting me brag on my boy! I'll let you know how he did and will post layout pictures of the bee.

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Teacher Appreciation-Flowered Cake Pops in a Basket

Hi everyone!

Just a quick post to share with you the teacher appreciation goody I put together.  I think it turned out so cute! Better than I imagined.  I cut the flowers (3 1/2") with my Expression using the George and Basic Shapes cartridge.  I slipped the wrapped cake pops in the center of the flowers and stuck them in a basket that had a foam block in it covered with Spanish moss.  (p.s. I bought the basket, foam block and spanish moss at the dollar tree, shhhh, k?) There are 25 cake pops in the basket. 

I cut the hand from the Sentimental cartridge at 6".  I used a little bling on the card to give it some sparkle.  I taped the card to a wooden skewer and stuck it also in the basket.  What an awesome edible flower arrangement with card and all!

I will be entering my creations in the following challenges: Fantabulous Challenge Me Monday #59 Teacher Feature.  The challenge is to make something for that special teacher and it must have the color red in it.  The next challenge is My Craft Spot Monday Challenge #7 Bling It Up - that challenge is self explanatory. I found another challenge this qualifies I entered: More Than Favors-Wacky Wednesday #38 - Anything Goes!

Make sure and let me know what you think. Your comments make me smile :)

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Monday, May 9, 2011

Scrap n' Easel giveaway at Getting Cricky

Hey everyone! Stop by K Andrews' blog and check out her giveaway. She is giving away a Scrap N Easel by Contain Ya Crafts. Stop by K's blog and check out the details.

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all my blogging friends!

If you are a mom, I hope you are being honored and blessed today by someone!

Enjoy this video from this Muthahood to yours.

Here is another one from Anita Renfroe:

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fabulous and 50!

I have two childhood girlfriends turning 50 this week so I made them this card. By looking at my friends you would never believe they are 50! At different times in my life they have been my best friends!  Even though life has taken us to different parts of the states we still stay in touch, thanks to Facebook.  Technology is great! It has allowed me to make lots of new blog friends too!  Ok, back to the card.

Cricut Paisley Cartridge
DCWV Dots and Stripes stack for patterned paper
DCWV Glitter Mat Stack for word and "50"
Recolletion flower for sandal
All other cardstock is from stash
Darice small foam squares
Xyron Sticker Maker and Adhesive
Ribbon from Joanns
White Sakura Gel Pen

I hope you are inspired by this cool, fun and simple card.  I am trying to remind myself to keep it simple.  I can make beautiful and still be simple.  Thanks for stopping by!

I am entering this card in the Getting Cricky with K Andrews Simply Sunday Challenge. Check out her blog, it's awesome!

TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine