Hi everyone!
It's my first assignment with the
Getting Cricky with K Andrew Design Team. I'm so excited!!!! This week's challenge is to create something with a pennant or banner.
Psalm 20:5 says "When you win, we plan to raise the roof and lead the parade with our
banners. May all your wishes come true!" (taken from The Message a paraphrase of the Bible)
God did something amazing in our lives a couple of months ago and when it happened all I wanted to do was "raise the roof" and a banner to give God glory. It was something only He could do! On top of that, the timing was incredible. Our life has been very difficult the last few months and so for God to send this ray of Sonshine was glorious! Things are getting better day by day and I must remember that God's banner over me is love and I must continue to celebrate and raise up a banner!
Now for my project:
This was easy for me because I am currently working with a young lady from my former church who is graduating from high school. I am known by my church friends as the "go to person" when it comes to scrapbooking, cardmaking, etc. Anyway, my young friend asked me if I would help her make some trifold displays for her graduation party. Of course I said "YES!" It blesses me when I can be a blessing to someone else with the talents the Lord has given me even if I don't consider myself talented :)
I had all these elaborate plans for her display (mini albums, layouts, embossing, you name it) until she showed up with her pictures, LOTS of pictures; three trifolds full of pictures! Since it is "her "graduation party display I guess I should let her make all the decisions concerning her displays. Imagine that! LOL! I keep telling her mom that :) She cropped and laid out her pictures and I squeezed in some embellishments. Pennants was the way to go with a few rosettes here an there.
trifold of her friends |
Cricut cartridge used for this trifold:
Cricut Birthday Bash
paper rosettes |
Cricut cartridges used: for this trifold:
Cricut Gypsy Font
Cricut Gypsy Wanderings

trifold of her family (this was the first one I made) |
We have one more display to finish. That one is titled "Through the years" I will probably make a banner across the top since there will be quite a few pictures for that one too! This girl knows how to raise a banner to her friends and family! Congrats Mariah!
Sctotch Dot Adhesive
Printed Cardstock: g.c.d. studios Eye Candy (isn't that a fun name?)
(This paperpack was purchased at Big Lots. $5 for 24 double sided textured cardstock)
Solid cardstock is from my stash of paper that I have accumulated through the years.
Brown ribbon from Michaels
Hemp cord from Big Lots
Background paper on "Friends" display is wrapping paper I picked up at Michaels.
It matched perfectly but a pain to cover the board.
So...how did I do for my first assignment? Thanks so much for stopping by and don't forget to stop by
Getting Cricky with K Andrew's blog to take part in the challenge and to see more creations by the design team. Also, "raise the roof" and your banners!!!
TTFN, Scrappymama Elaine